Hey Beauties! Hope you're having a fine day! It's blustery cold here. I'm just dropping in to let you know I've started a new project that I'd love to hear from you on. It's new territory for me, as I've always written in 1st person, present, so, I'm flexing new muscles here, trying to expand my skill set by writing in 3rd person, present. That's right....3rd person, hopefully. HA!
I also just wanted to enjoy writing again... like really enjoy it. I've been under a LOT of stress and pressure lately that has me questioning why I write in the first place. So, I've decided to write this story here, where it can just be about WRITING without deadlines and editorial voices barking in. I'm hoping it'll be refreshing, and help me LOVE the process again.
I hope you'll come along with me on this journey. I plan to post the whole book here. I'll be writing a chapter once a week, on Thursdays (if all goes well, and maybe more often, we'll see. At the same time, I'll be writing a more serious sci fi piece for a publisher, so there's that.
This one if light and romantic with a little things-that-go-bump-in-the-night thrown, just in for fun. I hope you find Jules and Jayden's fish-out-of-water story enjoyable. Let me know in the comments, will you?
I'm looking forward to feedback and words of encouragement! I so badly need some of those right now. So, if you have a few to spare...I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for checking out the story,