Hi - where did elf witch and serpent prince go? Are you still doing the next one? If so will it be on here or somewhere else? Thanks
@EllenBooth5 Hello! I will actually be publishing those books traditionally moving forward. They've been significantly edited; The Serpent Prince will come out sometime next year and The Elf Witch is available for purchase on Amazon as a pre-order now: https://www.amazon.com/Elf-Witch-Plot-Saints-Saint-ebook/dp/B0DN263NCF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=O46WB82RP9CK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.07Ft6P4Zsi3rhpSXrJM3rA.DHDzp3pzjVp-P1CtvqMNy5ibIfrVnOwxAP5wMououeQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+elf+witch+jacquelyn+gilmore&qid=1734897570&sprefix=the+elf+witch+jacquel%2Caps%2C372&sr=8-1