
Edits to all past chapters and new ones are officially done. You can now read without worrying about mixed up names


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Bitches, I'm back. My moms surgery went okay and now I can breathe a little better, but quarantine has been so fucking hard. I'm one of those out going people who thrive off of being surrounded by attention, but at the same time, too much of people is a thing. I am currently STARVING for attention and cant get any so I'm crying everyday, but then I realized that those hours I cry could be used to write, so I'm gonna get my shit together.... I haven't opened Wattpad in 3 months and now I have almost 400 readers, so.... Time to get to work. Love you all even though it's only 37 of you, all of you matter and I wish you guys the best during quarantine.


Christs its been awhile but an update is coming and I'm pretty damn proud. I had actually been crying cuz I though I lost my journal with half of this book in there but I recovered it last night and now I'll be back on top of life. Get ready for Thursday!!!