
It's been a long time since I've actually been back on here to write.  College, Covid, lot's of things have been keeping me away.  I owe one to all of those that follow me.  I've been growing much over the past years since I wrote these fanfics and reading them and answering comments now makes me see how much I have changed. Thank you for your support and I hope to make up my AWOL time with good writing in the future :)


It's been a long time since I've actually been back on here to write.  College, Covid, lot's of things have been keeping me away.  I owe one to all of those that follow me.  I've been growing much over the past years since I wrote these fanfics and reading them and answering comments now makes me see how much I have changed. Thank you for your support and I hope to make up my AWOL time with good writing in the future :)


The little black notebook sitting on the bed
          weathered and trodden down with words and thoughts,
          burdened by anger, pain, sorrow,  
          but also joy and anticipation.
          It rests in the corner unbothered in solitude,
          waiting patiently for a new page to unfurl its wings, a new chapter.
          Ink stains and scribbles,
          a warm blanket of gratitude and reflection.
          An eye into all I dream,
          all I fear,
          all I need.
          This silent hour,
          its security calls to me.
          A safe haven,
          a place to leave behind my troubles 
          where I sit quietly 
          watching the world go by.


And here we are, our hearts running and beating to the ticking of the clock.  Oh, how this world moves- unjust and cruel, for our time is limited.  We borrow time only to have it sift through our fingers like sand.  Tick-tock, tick-tock the clock says.  Someone dies and someone lives.  Born only to die, again.  But what matters is what we do in between.  
          ~J ♥︎


This is beautiful 


            wow that's deep.  You'd do great at poetry, man