hello jaela! it’s a week into 2019 and i know you will never see this but i hope all is well and we haven’t talked at all for the last two years, crazy huh:( i’ve been sad lately since most of the clovers i met on wattpad (in the beginning) are all grown up and you guys are either almost done with high school, have graduated, or began college already. anyways, i miss u a lot <3

@1995LUV oh my goodness,, time really flew by huh... i haven't been on since 2017 yiKES im a whole 18 yrs now wowza... thank you so much for taking time out to comment on my profile i feel so loved smh <3 im so sad all my clover pals i made are all gone and im to blame bcos i didn't come back and keep in contact with y'all im so sorry :(((( i hope you've been doing well, stay smiley ilu!