I can't believe it. The new about Jonghyun hit me as soon as I woke up. And I said all I had to on Amino. But I want you all who were affected to know, that we must stand by his family, friends, and members. This affected them the most. And also that we should promise to do this one last thing for Jonghyun. Mourn, cry, and grieve today. But smile tomorrow. Jonghyun had such a bright smile and if we smile, he can smile from heaven. Our smile can be how he lives on in us. Smile. And never forget. Never forget how much he cared for SHINEE, his family, and Shawols. He smiled for them and for us. So all we can do now, is smile for him. Now and forever. We love you, Jonghyun. We always will. And you will live in all of us and in our smiles.