
Last part Teman Chat [JAEYONG] udah di up ya~
          	Pengennya namatin semua cerita yg lagi ongoing karena kemungkinan bulan depan sudah memulai kesibukan baru dan belum tentu akun ini bakal keurus atau ngga. Tapi ya mood nulis emang lagi jelek banget. Gada keinginan memulai ngetik gitu. Huft.
          	Yaudah liat aja deh ya gimana besok2, gajanji bakal update dalam waktu dekat, tapi semoga ada yg diupdate sebelum hiatus.


@jaetotheyong waduh....aku baru nemuin kamu ....jangan ilang dulu:)


hii. I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I've missed your stories, especially your Jaeyong ones. Whenever I start missing them, I always find myself coming back here to re-read your works. My absolute favorites are "Look at Me Too" and "OURS", really hold a special place in my heart.  I sincerely hope you can come back to writing again one day. But even if you’re not ready or need more time, just know that your stories continue to mean a lot to me, and I'll always be here to support you.



          Aku mau numpang promosi yaa hehehe
          Aku baru aja publish story Jaeyong yang baru nih. Jalan ceritanya easy kok ga berat berat amat hehehe.
          Kalo penasaran, yuk dibaca aja sekarang ❤
          Thank you and enjoy the story
