
Hey Hi guys. 
          	Thank you so much for all your support and Love. 
          	You guys have been so great throughout the time since I started writing my first book. 
          	Thank you so much for your Ideas, suggestions and feedback related to my books. 
          	It's been a long time since I have written a book. And a lot of readers are requesting that I should start writing again. Many of them have given me a lot of ideas and suggestions about my next book. Some of you guys have been pretty great and consistent that I should a next one. 
          	So guys my next book is in progress it might be a short story. So please enjoy my next book and hope you guys have a great time. 
          	Thank you so much. 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the PA series Book1 is  your first written book/put up here in wattpad? You have a really great plot btw :)  and the settings and characters have this connection. You dont get distracted from the main topic of your story. A little improvement though when changing the scenes and the transition of each chapter or story.. there's always a room for more and more improvement. I hope my comment/suggestion won't be taken negatively. I sincerely wish for more of your series and story line :) have a great day!


            Hey hi, 
            Thanks for your support. Yes The Personal In PA is my first book ever written. I just went with the flow and wrote the book on my android ages back. It was inspired from M&B novels. 
            Your feedback is very helpful and I appreciate it. I will keep that in my mind while writing the other one's. 
            Thank you for your support and views. 
            And enjoy the books the reading list are my babies that I love to death. I have added only the one's that I love or the authors are great with their work. 
            Again thanks for your support and views. 
            Thank you. 


And you have an awesome reading list! I salute you~ ♥♥♥


hey ....
          hope u like my story  "and we fell i  love " ..... i would love to knw ur views .... plll do forward it go ur Friends as welll


            Hey gal haven't read it yet. Whenever I read it I'll definitely  let you know. 


Hey Hi guys. 
          Thank you so much for all your support and Love. 
          You guys have been so great throughout the time since I started writing my first book. 
          Thank you so much for your Ideas, suggestions and feedback related to my books. 
          It's been a long time since I have written a book. And a lot of readers are requesting that I should start writing again. Many of them have given me a lot of ideas and suggestions about my next book. Some of you guys have been pretty great and consistent that I should a next one. 
          So guys my next book is in progress it might be a short story. So please enjoy my next book and hope you guys have a great time. 
          Thank you so much. 


Hey i read ur book PERSONNEL IN PA n i loved it...i actually read it every chance i get...i was thinking if u maybe have any thought of writing about Liam's brother Romano, he seemed like a very mysterious character in the book...it would be awsome to read about him too n see his perspective way of thinking about love n marriage like Liam....thnx.
          P.S..Your a great writer..


            Hey thanks a lot of letting me know that you enjoyed the book. 
            I am planning on writing a book but just stuck with plot and characters. 
            You giving me a feedback means a lot to me. 
            Thank you so much. 
            I will even think about your suggestions. 