
guys im so sorry for taking so long... Im having to study a lot for a ton of tests, but i swear i wont leave you!!! Be patient, when my tests will be over ill be back and hopefully will be posting more during my summer break (here in brazil, its in December/January)


guys im so sorry for taking so long... Im having to study a lot for a ton of tests, but i swear i wont leave you!!! Be patient, when my tests will be over ill be back and hopefully will be posting more during my summer break (here in brazil, its in December/January)


I guess I'm posting the next chapter tomorrow!!! I was gonna do so today but I'm still not very sure about it, I'll try to make some things better tomorrow, if I can't, I'll let the way it is. 
          It was a hard chapter to write, I really hope you'll all appreciate it.


guys if i take a little while to post the next chapter of Lady Jane, its because of my tests at school and my small trip (I'm seeing Paul Mccartney next weekend!!) But dont worry, Ill post it very very soon!! I want to write more of the other chapter before posting the next because it will give me lots of work with searching the facts!


thank you❤️


Happy bday beautiful❤️


You’re welcome, wow you’re so lucky❤️


Heyy! After several months I decided to come back with my fanfiction "Lady Jane". Recently I post the new chapter, Go check it out! Leave your comment❣ I'm working on the next chapter, which will be available very soon, I'm sure you'll like it