Heyyy everyone,, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I might be planning on un-publishing my stories for a little bit.
I’m not saying that they’re going to be deleted and never uploaded, but I feel the need to rewrite them. It’s not that I feel like the stories were bad, but now that I’m older and with a more advanced vocabulary, I feel the need to fix them.
I plan out the storyline before I start writing, of course, sometimes plans change and I change up a few things in the middle of the story, but I make sure to plan this all out before I publish a new chapter. I like to make a spiderweb of connections, and that’s what I do… but I don’t like my executions on those plots. I feel like I poorly executed my ideas in my story especially in FL, so I would want that to be unpublished and rewritten, but If that one is archived, that means the sequel would also be archived.
So far though, I like the way Portrayal is going so that wont be archived despite the very slow updates (I apologize, please forgive me )
I would like to hear opinions before I decide anything, but if there is no response, then I’ll be telling you all that FL will be unpublished by July 30th.