
Hey, Are you looking for an interesting story with characters that would make you fall in love?… Then lucky you cos MHSLA is what you’ve been missing. From high school dramas to teenage love stories and heartbreaks. It’ll keep you thirsty for more. (Don’t forget to vote and comment)



Hi!! Thank you so much for following me, I really appreciate it. ❤︎ 
          If you get the time, I would really love it if you could check out my book Cierra's Tale there are only 2 short chapters (short story) and it would mean the world to me if you even read one.
          Also, I just saw your bio - I LOVE Throne of Glass!! I've read & enjoyed Twilight and ACOTAR too :)
          Have a lovely day!


Same!! That raises questions though - the dark isle that they mentioned - was that Feyre's world? It would make sense with the whole language thingy
            And what about Aelin and Rowan - will they mentioned in future?? She already crossed Feyre and Rhys' world before, could Bryce potentially visit them????????
            Lol I'm acting a little crazy but they're such good books


@Snowheart19__3 I have read hosab and the ending left me reeling! I couldn't get over it for a good chuck of time and my hoeab copy that I just ordered is supposed to arrive tmrw so I can read it again! I kind of wished that I hadn't read it bc idk if I can wait 1-2 or 3 yrs for the next book. I've read all of SJM multiple times.


I've followed you from my backup account @Backup_snowheart19 - I get so many notifications as it is and I really need to focus on studying for exams. ❤︎