this message may be offensive
It's been a while since I've posted anything on my convo board but I'm a bit at my limit rn so who cares, yah know? My gf has been receiving a lot of hate recently. Now, you're probably wondering: "What did she do? Did she bully someone? Did she say something offensive?"...Well the reason she's being hated on is that made a TikTok in which she basically made it known that she doesn't like GGs. She doesn't listen to them; they aren't her thing. But some toxic twelve year olds have decided that its a good reason to not only blow up her TikTok with hate comments, but also come over here to Wattpad and harass her. One of her books has actually recently been removed from Wattpad and I believe it's because of these pressed children. I'm genuinely at my limit and I wish I could find all of these people's accounts and just report them, get their accounts banned and move on, but it doesn't seem like anything like that will happen because they just keep appearing like the roaches they are. Now, what I wanna say right now is that I don't care if any one of these infants decide that they want to hate on me for defending my girlfriend, because I will happily take their hate and report their asses over and over again until they disappear. I'm pissed and if I see anything at all, I will not hesitate to go apeshit and be the crazy black girl everyone probably expects me to be in situations like this. Usually, I try to solve conflicts with compromise and empathy, but this time I don't give a fuck if I hurt anyone's feelings. I'll wait until the shit's over to feel guilty about it. There's a few of you guys who know how difficult it is for me to allow myself to be angry and act rudely to others, but you also know that it's even harder for me to let the people I care about be hurt.