Admin: hello everyone admin here as you know my friends were fighting over anime guys as you know they were cussing and stuff well one day had pass (or was it two?) and my best friend texted me and I told her that I was still mad at her normally I would forgive and forget but I was super angry at them for arguing so she promise me that she would argue anymore I didn’t believe her so I told her to give me the promise that I always use it’s a very dark promise sentence it basically goes like ‘cross my heart, hope to die, stick a knife in my eye’ so I told her to share and that I’m sick of this happening she still didn’t get the point so I tried a few more times she finally got it but then she said something that I couldn’t believe this girl was the two guys she was arguing about like tho my other friend didn’t like one of the guys as much as she did before but everything is fine now between us and one last question before I stop talking
Do I seem pathetic when I’m sick?