
The layout of Wattpad the past couple of years drives me crazy and I honestly almost can't come to this website because I miss the old layout from back when I first started on here *sigh*


I'm working on some new stories. Like three new ones, one of them will go on my other account, and two of them will be on here. I dunno when I'll be able to post again, as my internet is turned off for the rest of the summer, but when I come back over to my friends house, I'll bring my laptop and use her wifi, I guess I should have something posted then. That's not a promise, and I don't know when it will happen, so just check whenever you think of it. Thanks to all my fans who have stayed faithful to me, and have given me their patience!


Got a new laptop so now I can write whenever- wherever I want. 
          I think my writers block is gone as well, so a story might be coming off hold, it'll probably be New In Town. I'm thinking Skyler's story is coming to an end, and it's time for a sequel or spin-off. Probably in Jared's pov or something.? Tell me what you think! 
          I'll probably be posting in the next couple of days! 
          To all the new fans I've been getting Thank You!!
          To all my fans who've put up with the inconsistent posting, delays, and crappy chapters, I applaud you all for sticking with me and send my love in potatoes. 
          To everyone, thanks(: