... There's still lots of spots left for my new MLP: FiM book. 3 more for main characters and unlimited spots for background ponies. If you want YOUR OC in my new book, send me a picture and bio on Instagram (look in my Wattpad bio for my username.)
Make sure you include...
A picture of your character
How they act under pressure
What their voice sounds like (I don't need an example, just describe it; raspy, loud, etc.)
Cutiemark story (as short as possible)
Backstory (please don't make it super tragic)
And if you don't already have a MLP: FiM OC, message me here on Wattpad with the details and I'll make one for you...
Mane colour (up to 3 different colours, please be as specific as possible, maybe even find the colour numbers)
Mane style (curly, short, long, spiked etc.)
Coat colour (please be as specific as possible, maybe even find the colour numbers)
Eye colour
Race (earth, Pegasus, unicorn, bat pony, gryphon, dragon pony only)
Markings (optional; spots on rump, lighter muzzle etc.)
Body shape
\/ \/ \/
(normal mare,
normal stallion,
Elegant (Sassy Saddles and Fleur Dis Lee, mares only)
Squareish stallion (Cheese Sandwich,)
Big Mac (stallions only,)
Fancy Pants (stallions only,)
Canterlot Guard(stallions only))
Any other details (hoof fluff, scars, freckles etc.)
How they act under pressure
What their voice sounds like (I don't need an example, just describe it; raspy, loud, etc.)
Cutiemark story (as short as possible)
Backstory (please don't make it super tragic)
Sorry if that got a little confusing... But yeah, that's all for now...
First come, first served!
Only 3 more main character places left, but I promise if your character makes it as a background pony they WILL be in the book at least twice, definitely more.