
toprak yagmura, ben sana asik olduk yeniden.


1d ve uyelerin solo sarkilarini dinlerken olmasi gerektigi gibi sadece bir ozel kisiyi dusundum bunun benim icin ne kadar degerli bir sey oldugunu anlatamam:(( hakeden kisileri hakettigi gibi sevin arkadaslar sonra cok pisman olursunuz


@ jane96sxz  nesillerini tuketmek icin iksir hazirliyorum gel


@jane96sxz cilgin bi orospu cocuguysaniz hakedeni sevmediginiz halde pisman olmayabilirsiniz <3


i hate the way you talk to me,
          and the way you cut your hair.
          i hate the way you drive my car,
          i hate it when you stare. 
          i hate your big dumb combat boots,
          and the way you read my mind.
          i hate you so much it makes me sick,
          it even makes me rhyme. 
          i hate the way you're always right,
          i hate it when you lie.
          i hate it when you make me laugh, 
          even worse when you make me cry.
          i hate it when you're not around, 
          and the fact that you didn't call.
          but mostly i hate the way i don't hate you,
          not even close,
          not even a little bit,
          not even at all.