
Hey guys....
          	Umm my Rift Jumper updates will be late and a little unorganised for a LITTLE bit.
          	In light that Star Wars is out and will be released in India on the 25th I've decided to compile one of my ideas into a book and see where it takes me so... YEAH
          	The Rift Jumper will be definitely continued just a little late then normal...
          	Ttyl and may the force be with you.


Hey guys....
          Umm my Rift Jumper updates will be late and a little unorganised for a LITTLE bit.
          In light that Star Wars is out and will be released in India on the 25th I've decided to compile one of my ideas into a book and see where it takes me so... YEAH
          The Rift Jumper will be definitely continued just a little late then normal...
          Ttyl and may the force be with you.


Hey guys i really haven't updated any of my books in a while especially the Winsberg Chronicles but i just really haven't gotten the time to do so.
          Also another factor that is the cause of me not updating is I'm just REALLY not motivated so if once in a while you could comment about the book on what you'd like to see or what you think is good or bad it would really be helpful...
          thanks! TTYL~ Zane


Okay so i know i haven't written in a while but I've  been busy with school and stuff but I've(I'm not gonna lie) done 1/4 of the next Winsberg chron chp and ill get a chp of demigods and wizards after I'm done with this chp of the wins berg chronicles