
Hey readers! Check out my new book named Glass, you can find it in my works! Here’s the blurb for a quick sneak peek; 
          	“No legacy is so rich as honesty” 
          	Love is irrelevant and only powerful if conditioned as such, or at least that’s the easiest way Victoria Jones can go about her best friends betrayal and her boyfriends infidelity...
          	With everything hanging off the edge Victoria Jones is aching to build up another ground breaking story as a journalist for one of New York’s most popular blogs, but when a shocking truth comes to light Victoria takes her time and troubles to a local murky, cheap and shady bar, where she meets her elusive, mysterious and intimidating captor Alessandro Valenti, a man without honesty, but with an extremely known legacy. 
          	Don’t forget to like, comment and share! 


When most people use the term “psychopath” they usually mean a deranged person or murderer, but that’s the the actual definition.
          The actual definition of a psychopath is a person born without the capability to love, feel remorse, or feel empathy. That part of their brains are completely shut off, causing the other parts of their brain to work harder, causing most psychopaths to be incredibly smart.
          Psychopaths have a bad reputation, but most are not blood thirsty killers (although some could be). A lot of them work as doctors, lawyers, accountants, at churches, and other jobs like that.
          There are two psychopaths in every 100 people. They are much more common than you’d think. I hope you don’t write about a psychopath unless you do heavy research on them.
          P.S. Most psychopaths that do become murderers are left handed (because they mostly use the other part of their brains).


Hey readers! Check out my new book named Glass, you can find it in my works! Here’s the blurb for a quick sneak peek; 
          “No legacy is so rich as honesty” 
          Love is irrelevant and only powerful if conditioned as such, or at least that’s the easiest way Victoria Jones can go about her best friends betrayal and her boyfriends infidelity...
          With everything hanging off the edge Victoria Jones is aching to build up another ground breaking story as a journalist for one of New York’s most popular blogs, but when a shocking truth comes to light Victoria takes her time and troubles to a local murky, cheap and shady bar, where she meets her elusive, mysterious and intimidating captor Alessandro Valenti, a man without honesty, but with an extremely known legacy. 
          Don’t forget to like, comment and share! 


Hey fellow wattpaders! The fourth book in the On My Doorstep series that follows Survive as We May  will be out soon! And I will post when it comes out! Thank you all for your love and support! Keep reading and don’t forget to comment, vote, and share!