
Hi guys! I published a book yesterday but I took it down today! Sorry! Gonna re write it!!! Most chapters up by Saturday!!


Hey... I miss you at school... I wish that I could see you again sometime. We need to text way more often! ~Jen


            OMG totally!!! miss you too!!! sorry i haven't been on here in a while!!!! been working on some new stories and i would like to talk to you more too!! i miss you Jen!!! text me anytime but I'm really busy but ill get back to you as soone as possible!!!! :-) 


Just took down some of my book! I'm gonna revise and add to tgem! But in the meantime a friend asked me to write a book for her since its her birthday coming up ! It's a bunch of her favorite ships and some of mine to!!!! Please read it'll mean a lot to her! Bye bye peeps!!!!!


Ok so if you follow me (and read my books) you might have noticed I havent been updating.......Wellllllllllll I've had a ruff summer.......I found out it that my grandma has stage 4 dementia and that we are moving to be closer to her (Miami to be exact) please bear with me and pray for me.