
Helloooo friend! I just wanted to thank you for reading my story and even more for voting. It really means a lot, you literally made my day seeing that I had new votes on my story. I haven't updated in a while, but I will try to soon. If it isn't too much too ask, I would love to hear what you think of my OHSHC fanfiction, especially what I can improve on. Thank youafain, so so much. And if you have a few Otaku friends, you can share this story with them too. But I just wanted to let you know I'm really grateful for your existence.  And let me know if I can do anything for you as well.
                 THAT CRAZY CHICK


And sorry I didn't vote on all the chapters, I just got distracted with the reading and liked it so much I just read forward without even thinking. I went back and voted. :)


There's nothing you should change. And I'm really grateful for your existence too, for writing! I hope you well! <^^>