For whatever reason, I feel scared coming back because I don’t to see the surprised or disappointed comments while I was absent but seeing all the love and patience from everyone almost made me tear up! I forgot what it’s like to have people who are loyal and so kind to my stories. Just rereading them made me reread my story Daddy Matieral and I fell right back into writing it.
Again, thank you so much if you’re one of the few/lots of people who waited for me and supported me however you can. The best part of it is seeing how all of you guys wished me well and hoped that I was doing okay. I am doing just fine :) Adulthood is tough and I am gradually accepting it. It definitely motivated me to look back and enjoy the things I used to love, and writing is one of them. Life is so short to be dwelled in the present. Everything is so fast-paced that I didn’t get a chance to savor moments.
Hopefully this time, I will stick to writing but please I’m taking it in step by step. I prob won’t post as regularly as I did before, because I want to take my time and make sure I do my absolute best to be satisfied with the results of my story/stories.