
Hello everyone, If you are reading my story My True Mate.
          	Remember, You have until May 10th to vote.
          	The choices to choose from is 
          	A) Lucifer (Male)
          	B) Lucifer (female)
          	C) Twins
          	It is for who to add to my story. So far there has been 4 votes for a. 1 vote for b. And 11 votes for c. So please keep voting until May 10th. You only have 16 More days. Thank you! Have a nice night/day my little witches/hybrids/vampires/shapeshifters


@jasmineddy00 I love your book and I vote for a


Hello everyone, If you are reading my story My True Mate.
          Remember, You have until May 10th to vote.
          The choices to choose from is 
          A) Lucifer (Male)
          B) Lucifer (female)
          C) Twins
          It is for who to add to my story. So far there has been 4 votes for a. 1 vote for b. And 11 votes for c. So please keep voting until May 10th. You only have 16 More days. Thank you! Have a nice night/day my little witches/hybrids/vampires/shapeshifters


@jasmineddy00 I love your book and I vote for a


Hi! One question. Are you from the south?


@Dawn109 maybe you can ride me instead? 


@Roses109 yeah I know. I have always wanted to be a cowgirl!!!


@Roses109 I like it, but it can sometimes can be to hot


Hey there love My True Mate did ask a few questions was a tad confused but also the last chapter / Update were you asking for Ideas for something??? Please clarify once the sugs are read I'm loving the Bella x Jay pairing always one of my favs along with others lol I mean skim through some my stared stories you'll see I'm open to quite a few pairings lol Esp with Bells but some My Favs are Bells x Jay, Bells Volturi Kings, Bells x Carlisle esp the stories of his Alter Ego lol some call Volturi Lord He was when Volturi I mean even in the book you gotta admit a nice Storyline Aro doesn't just let anyone just walk out lol so the take that he's close or over 400+ well now he is but you know he's hidding something. To be able to talk to the Kings and keep a large coven I mean you know he saw a lot lil, Anyways going back to the Convo... So naughty pairing for fun Bells x Jasper = Jay x Carlisle ( yes a story of 3 ) couldn't resist it's a good steamy story lol. Yes a 4-5 pairing Bells x Volturi Kings x Jay Also Awesome Story. Anyways in my Favs has Hot stories describes more of Bonds and Mates still trying to go through my library to put Reading list and Favs but all that aside, Seriously your story has great potential Chickadee would love to see it progress but overall just tad confused for the most part hit it on the nail. Keep up the good work!!!


@Sgb1011 message me please