Wow!!!! I know I should have posted something earlier, but I'm not the one to keep up with some things due to my current lifestyle. I would have loved to post something earlier, but I didn't. I'm sorry to whoever reads this and actually care about what I say. However I wanted to take the time to say thank you to all 5 people who have started to follow me! You guys are amazing. Even though I don't really know you, than you! I also just wanted to make sure that everyone who even too the time to read the first chapter of my book 'Games of Sudden Death' (2 people), to let them know that I thank them, for at least reading it. I also wanted to say that I couldn't keep up with that book, and didn't deliver the second chapter that I had promised after Christmas break. I'm sorry. Again this goes to anyone who even cares to read this, probably no one. I just wanted to get this out there. I also wanted to get out there that I am going to delete that book and start fresh when I have all of my thoughts together, and not too much going on in my life. Thanks to whoever cares yo read this!!!!