
@Katrina_Chambersispy Wow thank you! That means a lot. I'm thinking of writing a story I have a lot of ideas and might take your advice. I love your book Walk In The Light you have done a really good job of writing an epilogue amd making it sound just like Marie Lu. 


Thank you! I've tried to make it like Marie Lu's writing, I'm glad you think it is good, it really means a lot to me. And Id love to see your ideas! I'm sure everyone of them are wonderful. :)


@Katrina_Chambersispy Wow thank you! That means a lot. I'm thinking of writing a story I have a lot of ideas and might take your advice. I love your book Walk In The Light you have done a really good job of writing an epilogue amd making it sound just like Marie Lu. 


Thank you! I've tried to make it like Marie Lu's writing, I'm glad you think it is good, it really means a lot to me. And Id love to see your ideas! I'm sure everyone of them are wonderful. :)