
I have a new obsession with cats now. 


           Insanity-the state of being seriously mentally Ill; Madness. 
           INFACT we are all insane, mad, crazy, mentally challenged, if you will. Just in different ways-- logic tells us being 'quite mad' is a horrid thing; only the maddest of the mad know, they aren't actually mad. 
            It may not make sense now but eventually you will all know. Madness it fun, INFACT it is intriguing. There will be a point in like where you are frustrated and conflicted, but just know you are not crazy, just insane. 
                 SANITY IS OVERRATED!!
            Take Albert Einstein for example, he was mad, crazy, INSANE. BUT he was a genius, intellectual, extravagant- to an extent- but they all thought he was mental. He was, but he knew that everyone else was also.... 
          Questions my dears? Well if any feel free to post on my page. Ask anything of the sorts. Also tell me if I should do this more often, as in definitions and a new understanding. 
          P.S. Things are not always as they seem.