wait a second. you don't need to know about me. How are YOU today? Top of the world? Great?  Water-flavoured gelatin average? Meh?
Bad? Terribly? Stress, pressure? (Got finals? I'll pray for you. Atheist? I won't pray if you don't like, but I do have chocolate, a very comfy pillow, and some study-tool sites...) Bottom of the world? Pits of Hell? (I hear the wifi's swell there.) Anywhere in between?
Have you been getting enough sleep lately? (I sure haven't. Finals...) Eating? Not? Smiling enough? (Talk less. Smile more.)
Read anything good lately? Catch any movies? Watch any good shows? (I'm getting into Doctor Who. I'm so confused. And also crying. Crying tears of confusion. A friend is making me watch Supernatural. No Cas yet, sadly, but I'm willing to wait so I understand their Destiel rants.)
However you are, know this.
Hello, you!
*electronic wave*
It's really great to meet you - I don't get out much.
No, seriously, it's great. You're such a *fantastic* person. And you know why that is? Because you're you. And hey! I think that that's a pretty darn cool thing to be.
Well, I must be going now. Things to do, people to meet, places to see.
Busy busy, that's me. (Dear gods I hate it. Just let me sit down and drink tea and read old books! Yes, I'm secretly an old lady with 90 cats. My favorite is Jazzy. Don't tell McGonagall.)

It was nice meeting you!
Enjoy my stories, if you like. Or print them out and go over them in red pen. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

~Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out!
  • Magic Land
  • JoinedMarch 15, 2017


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jason_with_glasses jason_with_glasses Aug 28, 2018 10:22PM
GUYS IM SO SORRY i havent checked here in 5ever if you sent me a message I AM APOLOGYi think from now on I'll mostly be putting fanfic on ao3 and original stories here lmao, once I figure out my ao...
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just some shadowhunters trash
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