@kendrick_wifey I don't know why Atiya gotta follow up my comment that was directed towards YOU && not HER. && why she gotta put that lame ahh closing, talking about some, chicken grease.... Clearly she didn't come up with any of the names && ATIYA, please don't make me have to get on my personal account and curse you out, because I will not hesitate...
Burning trees, indeed. I'm out.
@kendrick_wifey I don't know why Essence thought she had to say who came up with the names :) I am just as capable to come up with some nicknames!! Haha, but thanks for the compliments, and we'll be sure to check out your stories!! Love, peace and chicken grease :D - Atiya
@kendrick_wifey Awh, thanks ♥ And, we really are two different people. Aha, I came up with the names && sure thing ツ we'd love too. Vote, Comment and all that stuff, please, and we will return the favor (:
Oh, && like Crackpipes and Popping Mollys, we some addicts, lol. You're too cool.
-Essence ♥
@Ahali2837 I love the fact that this is a joint account......gr8 minds think alike u guys look like yall r like total opposites from each other lol... Plus I love the nick names Salt & Pepper : ) check out both my books btw.... <3