
hey guys! my next update is released! so please read my book " AN IMPERFECT WEDDING" im just a beginner, so please pardon me for my mistakes. if you please inform me about it, then i'll try to change my mistakes. so please read, vote and comment . the next update will come up sooon!!! untill then! "D


hey guys! my next update is released! so please read my book " AN IMPERFECT WEDDING" im just a beginner, so please pardon me for my mistakes. if you please inform me about it, then i'll try to change my mistakes. so please read, vote and comment . the next update will come up sooon!!! untill then! "D


Jay, instead of sittin like a VIP in these Talent's day holidays and leearning like a nerd (which you are :p) update na!!! :)


haha!! do i hav to mention whoz the nerd!!? oh ya let me guz!! a dictionary dignitary! :P (which u are :P) sorry yar!! no time!! surely i'll come with something!!!.....