Greetings, my potential friend! I come from the pages of TopBadAss and AJ LPSKINZ13 (I don't know how to tag on Wattpad). It'd be my very good honour to introduce myself. Clover Rose Ernest, the Master of Mayhem, at your service! Now that formalities are dealt with, I popped over here mainly because I was curious about the symbol in your avatar. But I ended up reading your info, the rules, etc. and decided to do as requested and say hello. May I ask what the "P" looking symbol is / where it is from / the meaning of it? Hope you don't mind me following you. Have a splendid day!

@CloverErnest thank you for the tip on tagging. And yes, I know perfectly well about panromantic, I am panromantic.

Also, in order to tag someone, all you have to do is put the "@" symbol in front of their name. Cheers! - Jessi M

Hello there! Nice to meet you! My icon is a pride dragon. The "p" stands for pansexual, as well as the colors. If you don't know what pansexual/romantic is, it's when a person has romantic and sexual feelings for people of all genders. I appreciate you saying hello and certainly do not mind you following me. I hope you have a wonderful day as well Clover. It's very nice to meet you! - Jessi M