
A new chapter of neast nymph is posted now.! 
          	Have a read 


@jayarathorr Please update riansh os series 


Hey author please explore my stories, share your thoughts, and lend support. Your views matter. Let's embark on this storytelling journey together❤️


            Ok tosh , give me some days for it 
            I am working on my next update . 
            I will definitely share my honest review with you 


I can’t believe you left your story hanging like this. You could have at least sent a short note. There are so many who have supported your book and you just left it. It only takes one minute to give a simple yes or no of you aren’t going to finish it. I’m sorry if something had happened in your life but like I said it takes 1 minute for a simple yes or no. No one needs to know why but it would have been courteous to those who have supported you throughout the story. You seemed to be a an author who really cared about your readers so I'm surprised you droppef it with no explanation. like i said i hope all is well but please let your readers know something out of courtesy. 


Yes been dying to read book but waiting to see if it was going to be completed. Always give authors a chance again life happens just update on yes or no if an author feels like continuing a book or not. Frankly it’s no one’s business why but just let the readers  know whether to keep looking or not. Thank you for getting back to me I deeply appreciate it. Good luck with everything. Prayers. 


@ronda1985 I have updated a new chapter . I apologise for making you guys wait for so long . I hope you will give me a chance again ❣️
            Well , are you my new reader? 
            I haven't seen you on my page before ? 