
So uhm….I forgot this app existed AGAIN. I’m sorry y’all. I’m trying I really am. I can say I will be active bc I can’t commit to one thing but I’ll try!
          	I’m sorry you guys gotta put up with me 


Gentle reminder that,"
          Percy would want you to drink water,+ Annabeth
          would want you to stay safe*+
          Grover would want you to take care if yourself and
          the environment+
          Jason would want you to ask for help if you can,
          when you need it +
          Frank Piper Hazel wouia would would would want want want want you you vou you to to to to be be love happyt yourself unharmed+
          Nico would want you to stay alive+
          And Reyna would want you to stay strong* Send this
          to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes after
          you finish reading this!
          If you get 3 or more back, those people who sent
          them back to you, care for you and want you to stay
          If you don't send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans
          in 20 minutes, then the gods will punish you for a
          year, with no way out. <3
          Started by @gradientava


Hi! How've you been? I'm asking a handful of people to shoutout and/or join this season's Writing Awards; and I'm hoping you will help me out! 
          The 2024 Valentine's Day Writing Awards is a multifandom writing awards also featuring original works! Participants will follow along with one of the four prompts given to show off their unique writing style and favorite ships and characters. Following the rules and PMing me (the host) their Short Story it will be placed in the voting book. 
          When the book is published reader will vote until there is one-three winners per Fandom; depending on how many books are entered by the time voting begins. Then the winner will be given their special and unique Winner's Badge to be displayed on his/her work. 
          Please consider join or giving a shout out! From the host, Rose A. 


Soo….im back


@jayceepine is your pfp the Percy actor?