
I am so mad at myself for literally never writing any fanfiction that I start. I have like 5-6 fanfiction ideas and around 3 actually story ideas that I am working on behind the scenes. I never have enough time to write any of them. 
          	So what I have decided is, I will write the fanfics in my leisure time and begin writing one of the other story ideas as the main story. I am so sorry for putting you through this I am pretty sure you are disappointed and I don't even know if anyone is going to read these messages but I am still putting it up there.


Hi, I hope all is well. I apologise for spamming on your wall. One of my friend is writting an Indian Royal romance story and she needs support as this is  new journey for her as a writer. If you're interested into Indian stories, you can check her story. I'm sure you will like it 
          Here's the link to her story:


I am so mad at myself for literally never writing any fanfiction that I start. I have like 5-6 fanfiction ideas and around 3 actually story ideas that I am working on behind the scenes. I never have enough time to write any of them. 
          So what I have decided is, I will write the fanfics in my leisure time and begin writing one of the other story ideas as the main story. I am so sorry for putting you through this I am pretty sure you are disappointed and I don't even know if anyone is going to read these messages but I am still putting it up there.


Andddd I’ve been gone again. Trust me this time I was even going to quit Wattpad. But then I saw the progress of my fanfics, and that stopped me.
          Are you guys insane??? 51k??? I literally died. 
          I love you a lot and thank you so so much 
          Okay fine I will write more fanfics. But since I’m not consistent and having exams, I can’t promise when I’ll do that. But I’ll do xx
          Whom do you want it to be on? Comment and alley me know. It will be a Thai BL fanfic for sure. 


@xhunnybunxx Any fanfic from you is worth the wait!


Hello everybody, it has been really long since I have been properly on here. Yes, I am aware of the fact that my recent fanfic is half done, and probably if anybody is reading, then they are waiting for the next chapter. I am so sorry to tell you that my ideas have been on vacation recently. I mean, I am going through massive writer's block. 
          But, I think I have some idea for new fanfic on a Thai BL couple which I might be writing. So my Thai BL readers, you might be getting new fanfic from me. 
          I have been reading your comments and seeing your likes on my work and honestly, it makes me feel so good. I am very happy that I am able to give you content that you like. I want to keep doing this and hopefully, I will get back in line with my Larry fanfic too.
          I love you all and thank you for reading my works :) Have a great day!!


hello hello i am back again!! i know i told that i will be back on november 01st but then i couldn't contain myself. I had to write this chapter cuz i was keeping it in for a very  long time. i dont know if i put it exactly like how i imagined it in my head or not, but i hope you like it


          You've come so far from Princess Park
          7 years of togetherness 




the final and last chapter of "i'm yours to love is finally uploaded. i am sorry for the delay. 
          i love you all for coming along with me through the journey of this book. i know we had our ups and downs, and thank you for staying along with me and believing in me.
          sorry for all the heartbreak chapters, but i have finally completed the story, so go check it out!!