
No one:
          	Literally no one:.
          	Me: Quickly posts 2 chapters and disappears ✋
          	Besties school is killing me slow I'll try to update as soon as possible! 


So guys something happened and i decided to discontinue false god as I tbh didnt had anyyy thing planned out for it. So I've deleted it. But out of nowhere i got a new idea, its kinda like illicit affairs, so i planned out everything and made a new story out of it, also called false god (smh). I have published the first chapter for that story its called jump then fall! please check it out! i hope you like it. This new version of false god uses the old cover, so please dont get confused! I'll be really grateful if you all check it out and maybe leave a comment!


@jaylorsevermore  i had the old version in my library for so long but when i decided to read it, it said it's not available.. that explains why
            I'm going to read the new version now tho



Your music taste in Taylor Swift songs is soooo good. False God, gold rush, Sparks Fly, All You Had To Do Was Stay and Style are some of my all-time favs too! Don't even get me started on how amazing folklore and evermore are. Pretty much my therapy. Nice to meet you fellow swiftie and thank you for the follow!! <33


omg hi guys! I have just published my first ever jaylor fanfiction! its called False God! I'll really appreciate if you all check it out and maybe leave a comment!


omg I’m so excited already added it to my library 


@jaylorsevermore thank you sooo much! This means a lot to me 


@jaylorsevermore Amazing!! I loved the 1st chapter!! Good job! ❤❤ congratulations btw! I'll definitely vote and comment whenever you update