
I want to guilt trip him and rightfully so but my gut is telling me to listen to him a little while longer


"Be yourself and more people will like you" 
          I want to be myself but what if I have to be something else for people to like me? People tell me to just get out there but I end up being excluded for having honest opinions, little do they know I have a lot more opinions...


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Yesterday at the movie theater the person selling the tickets thought I was an adult so cool, me an my mom ended up being the only people in the theatre fuck yeah, we heckle relentlessly at the movie and enjoy the gory scenes way too much, if they knew I was 14 they prob wouldn't have let me in even with my mom lmao, near the end of the movie one of the people that works there came in and we thought we where in shit, he was cool and said he would fix the sound. (We complained about it because the speaker on the left side started buzzing)  So my day was lit though I didn't go to the sandpits with my friend 


What yall doing for 420? I plan on going out to the quarry with my friend and smoking the fattest one ever, then literally at 4:20 PM the HELLBOY remake is playing and me an my mom are going to see it, the quarry prob still has 20 feet of snow but oh well :,^))