
I am getting ready to publish Whispers In spring as well. Hope you will check out the books on the Zon.


I am getting ready to publish "Hand Me Down world", so will be taking it down from here tonight. the rest of the stories here are still going to remain. Except maybe "Dreams I'll Never See". Look for the Novel "Hand Me Down World" in the next few weeks.


I have one more to go! Yes, that's right, I have one more story to start. "Life Loves A Tragedy".  I decided that one tear-jerker was enough for the night. Either I am growing soft, or I am getting better at evoking emotions than I used to be. I almost cried while I was writing chapter One of "Once Around The Ride". That whole scene was enough to put a big lump in my throat. 
          By the Way, the complete saga is now "The Morrow Family Saga". Sound pretty good? Well, that's all for tonight. Cheers. J


Before you go and add the stories I just put up, there aren't any chapters yet. I will be adding the first chapters tomorrow.  I only had the chance to put up chapter one for "Ohio" due to a lack of willingness where my boss is concerned, to allow me to have most of my day for me. One really long trip is more than enough for me in a day, but he seems to think I am superman. I am not.
          I need to get stories done and chapters written. Anyway, don't search for a chapter for the last three stories until tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to get the stories u and ready to be started tonight while I had everything up. I hope you are enjoying what is already up here. and please. Show your love. Thank You.


I am finally all caught up with all three stories. I really should start with the next series (plural. there are three more series, each another decade) but do not want to get too far ahead of myself. I am stymied, though, as to why the first book of the first series is not well-received. Is it because it is on a slightly darker backdrop? Or is it the age of the characters?


Dear Followers. Please help me spread the news of my works. As soon as my proofer gets done with "Long Cold Winter", it is going to be published. Same with "Jesus Saves". As always, they will be released in both e-book and paperback. As soon as I get "Whispers" finished, as well as "Hand Me Down World" and "Do You Miss Me Darlin'?", they will be going to publication as well. "Faust" can already be found there as well as "Mexican Radio And Other Short Stories, Volumes I and II" and three books that are really overpriced, but that I have no control-at the moment-over. Feel free to go check me out on Amazon, where you might even find my one song....Cheers. J


I hope you are enjoying the new stories. I have several others I want to begin, but have to decide on covers.  I have three I thought would go well, but cannot seem to get a consensus from the readers of my blog. I have already ruled out at least one of them already. too much white. another is too dark, but...I want to see what my readers say. I just wish I could slip them past you all on here.


I have planned six more series to go with "Long Cold Winter" and the "Seasons" series. Each series covers a decade. The first and most of the second (Until "San Franciscan Nights", which will be in divided in half between "mama" as she is known in "Winter" and Matt) deal solely with the life of Matt's mother.  After the first half of the book about 1967, she fades into the background.
          From 1967 on, the books focus on Matt. They will be a more in depth look at what I wrote in all the dream sequences, with a grounding in reality and explanations of some of the less believable parts of the memories. I hope that this will elp the reader understand the story more.


You may have noticed two "new" stories going up. They aren't really new. They have been on my blog, where all stories tend to begin and grow into books. But...I am going to begin a wattpad exclusive. I will be starting the back story here and only here. That means, you get the first glance of mama's life before and after Matt. When Matt turns five, that will be when mama takes a backseat in the story. I will be expanding the  dream sequences from "Long Cold Winter" in the appropriate story.  but, first, I have to do a little research...