Hey, I'm Ainsley. I love to write science fiction and fantasy short stories, and am hoping to complete a full length novel! Might not happen, but I'm trying. ;)
  • Üye olduDecember 21, 2014

Son Mesaj
jazzymisjazzy jazzymisjazzy Jun 26, 2015 08:41PM
@thechocolatebutton no problem! Thanks so much for taking the time to write that ;)
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Ainsley tarafından yazılmış hikayeler
jazzymisjazzy tarafından yazılan Silvery Starlight adlı hikaye
Silvery Starlight
This is a short but sweet story about the power of a smile and singing.
ranking everynight içinde #6 Tüm sıralamayı gör
jazzymisjazzy tarafından yazılan When Two Worlds Collided adlı hikaye
When Two Worlds Collided
It's just another year in Rivendell, when suddenly a large silver metal…thing…crashes into the ground outside...
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