
Why  hello my lovely followers! Good news! Chapter 18 will be posted tomorrow :) Again im really sorry for the lack of updates. Im working on getting rid of my writers block slowly and refreshing my enthusiasm for it :) Thanks for everything and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the new chapter :)


Why  hello my lovely followers! Good news! Chapter 18 will be posted tomorrow :) Again im really sorry for the lack of updates. Im working on getting rid of my writers block slowly and refreshing my enthusiasm for it :) Thanks for everything and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the new chapter :)


Hey everyone! Sorry the updates haven't been regular. To be bluntly honest, I have horrible writers block and I'm having trouble getting the next chapter finished. I hope you don't give up on me! It will be finished! Thank you guys so much! 


I'm so sorry everyone! It's been weeks since I've updated. I've been so busy I haven't had time to post anything. Please don't leave me! I promise that either today or tomorrow I'll update! You guys are seriously the best!