
Merry Christmas everyone 


Hello everyone it has been a while hasn’t it. Your probably wonder where I’ve been and simply, I’ve been busy going through life and is working on getting into college. I’ve also deleted some of my stories as simply put, I wasn’t a good writer and I want to get back into the writing game with a few stories. 
          Spider Luna- While I’m not really in the loud house fandom anymore, as omegacrow drew stuff for it I don’t want those drawings to go to waste so I’m going to rewatch loud house in order to make this story. 
          Digimon revelations- Basically a Digimon story inspired by the book of revelations with the main four Digimon being inspired by the four horsemen of the apocalypse with my art of the Digimon. 
          Total drama swap island- Basically total drama but the personality are swapped all around such as Katie being the main villain, Gwen being a sheltered horror artist, Tyler being an angry jock and so much more. 
          I have ideas for others but that’s what I got so far and are definitely doing. Also might remake my loud Springtrap story. 
          Once again apologies for deleting my stories and I hope you will enjoy them when they come out. I plan to get them out at least by spring. Might come sooner or later depending on things in my life. But for those who are wondering I’m ok. 


Hey guys it’s been a while, so as you’ve seen, I have taken off my stories, the reason is well, I’m not really satisfied with them and felt cringey and I had no idea how to continue them, It also doesn’t help the fact that I actually haven’t watched loud house for a while and had been more watching anime. 
          I’m still going to a loud house story Spider Luna for omegacrow, and I have an idea for an mha fanfic crossover, so stay tuned for that sorry that I deleted my stories, they’re being reworked.