Hi emma, I have had some work published but it is a constant challenge. I had ten poems in an anthology called "Said and Unsaid" from the Winding Creek Press branch of Iconic Publishing. The publisher was not a good one and the book didn't do anything much. I've had a few poems published in a small Arts magazine in New York State. A couple others in newspapers. I do enter competitions. The one on this site last year got me in the top ten. Also last year I was a runner-up for first place in the Faulkner Wisdom poetry competition. I'm considering a self-published collection of poems next year if some of my submissions to publishers don't get results. As I said it is a struggle. If I had academic connections there would be a better chance since many universities and colleges have very close relationships with small publishing houses. But I keep writing and sending stuff out. I also read at local poetry events when I can. So there's a long answer to your very kind short question.