
Hello my fellow followers it's been a while. Well I've decided to reboot Advancing War and come out with a better one so the cover with the white dove is no longer canon. Feel free to read the new one, I've posted the first chapter today and tell me what you think! 


Hello my fellow followers it's been a while. Well I've decided to reboot Advancing War and come out with a better one so the cover with the white dove is no longer canon. Feel free to read the new one, I've posted the first chapter today and tell me what you think! 


Hey guys I just made a few changes to Chapter 12: Dream or Reality. It's not that big of a change, just a couple of stuff, but it's kind of important. Go check it out for me please. Just incase you were wondering, the next chapter will be coming soon in like the next couple of days so stay tuned.