Jose, hey<3! I saw in your bio that you got a final grade of 65% in English. I think this is a big accomplishment (English is not my first language and I always struggle with it). When you were reading about Lada and P.J., did you feel that my English is soooo bad that you won't be able to keep reading anymore? I'm working on improving every day, but I think the issue might also be with the difference in mentality...
@beArishmood Fro example , I commented on your story with some emotions . And you said that I was a helpful character. Then there you go . You know it already .
@beArishmood I’m more in the mental . That’s where I come in lol. In a mental perspective. “Description “ is good but to much of it “mentally” is hard to keep up . A story needs “emotions” so that the persona’s mentally can be stable and not get lost in their thoughts :). Yes 65% in English was my last and final grade that made me graduate high school