
If any of y’all are into BNHA and have tumblr, follow me 


@5212hk I’m sorry to inform that the story is discontinued : (


@jdbbritt  hey i was wondering if you were gonna update in the shadows cuz i really love this series and i cant wait for the next update:)


If any of y’all are into BNHA and have tumblr, follow me 


@5212hk I’m sorry to inform that the story is discontinued : (


@jdbbritt  hey i was wondering if you were gonna update in the shadows cuz i really love this series and i cant wait for the next update:)


I’m not going to give y’all some bûllshît excuse on why I haven’t updated. I’ve been working, dealing with my mental health and uninspired lately. I wrote these books when I was in a dark place and just wanted people to hear me for once. Now that I am older, it’s harder to do because I’m not that kid anymore. So, I am working on still finding my passion to write and give y’all good chapters instead of fillers. As well as keeping that same energy. My work schedule is also really weird so I might be updating on random days instead of the weekend? Who knows. Just know that I’m alive and okay. I miss y’all. I’ll be back soon with some more chapter updates ❤️


@ jdbbritt  You are very welcome. ♥ Don't feel bad for not uploading and most likely thinking you are leaving us hanging. Everyone has it's own reason to why they don't have time to do something. Just take care of yourself and then see what happens. 


@Womanlikeme20 you’re so sweet! Thank you. I needed to hear this because I feel so bad leaving people hanging because of my mental health. I don’t use writing like I used to and let my emotions out. So I’m trying to find the best way to give good chapters to my books and readers. I’m not upset with them for asking me to update. I haven’t been fully transparent about what I have going on, but thank you again! Sometimes I just need reassurance ❤️ much love 


this message may be offensive
@ jdbbritt  Honestly, whoever told you, you NEED to update is an asshole. Why should you do that, when you know that you are not in the right place to do that. You shouldn't even have to post that. Just take care of yourself and take a good break. And if you know the insperation and your mental health is in a right place then update.  
            Have a nice friday and hopefully a stressless weekend.


Thick as Thieves is eligible for Watty Awards. I will not be participating, but I think that is very cool that I finally have a story that would even be considered eligible. Thank you all for enjoying my stories throughout the years. Doing some updating on my stories! xo


For some of you I follow on Twitter, please for the love of all that is holy and somewhat good on this earth, stop talking about the engagement. I get it. It’s a big deal. I’m happy for Justin. I really am. But shut up. It’s annoying at this point. Also, can someone tell Keke to tell drake that she loves him? Much love ❤️