
It's time to come back to Wattpad and write something maybe. Fanfic? Lots of fanfic? Can I get a thumbs up for fanfic?


I have some ideas for Lawyer'd to go Better Call Saul because I have some absolutely not autobiographical material that will make for some excellent millennial gear-grinding relatables.


It's time to come back to Wattpad and write something maybe. Fanfic? Lots of fanfic? Can I get a thumbs up for fanfic?


I have some ideas for Lawyer'd to go Better Call Saul because I have some absolutely not autobiographical material that will make for some excellent millennial gear-grinding relatables.


Sorry my whole 5 followers, I'm pulling a Season 4 Episode 2 Bojack right now. Except for the house. And the guilt. Maybe a little guilt. 
          Anyway. Taking time off. Still planning to write more though. Soon. Nanowrimo maybe. Don't know. We'll see.
          Go watch Season 4 of Bojack in the meantime though. Seriously.


Couldn't finish Wattys in time since I joined mega-late but was roughly halfway there.
          Anywho, considering focusing on Bojack for a bit since I'm amidst re-watching Season 3.
          Thoughts? You can lead a Horseman to water but he'll still only drink out of his own flask. 
          Unless the water is actually bourbon. 
          Gin's fine too. 
          Or most alcohol.


To keep myself on the creative, I'm going to serialize each story, but manage multiple stories. To keep myself from getting too overworked, I'm limiting it to 3 or 4 stories. To keep myself diversified, all are going to be different genres and styles. To further keep me from focusing too much on one story, I'd like to write something for everybody, so each story caters to various readers.
          My questions for you are, what am I missing, and what do you want? We've got Horseman (my Bojack Horseman fanfic), and Lawyer'd (my generalized real-life fiction).
          What's next? High fantasy? Sci-fi? Romance? I'll let you choose!


So feedback's great! I want to make sure you guys can digest it, so let me know if the material and length works for you. I can do more (or less) on the word count if needed. My goal is to produce something that gives you that same feel of watching Bojack on Netflix, but on Wattpad, and short enough to read during your commute or whatnot. Anyway, thanks!


@jdhamill I think it's good the way it is, keep it up.