Hello everyone I know I've been gone for a while and I deleted all my stories but I'm back now and here to alert you on a serious issue. This is for the LGBTQ+ community. I myself am bisexual and was disgusted to find this out. An organization is planning internet attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. They're calling it PrideFall so please be careful and watch what links you're clicking on from any form of social media because they're trying to screw us over. Be especially cautious if you state very clearly you are a member of our community on any social medias or on (gay exclusive/ all inclusive) dating apps. The group is called 4chan and they want to ruin our month for us. Please please please be careful. They're trying to weaken us as a community because with the current tragedies we can't properly celebrate in person. I love you all gay/straight/trans/bi/pan/non-binary/cis/lesbian/black/white/hispanic/asian/indian and anything else I've forgotten. We are all one people so stay strong and don't listen to the hate. -Nat <3