Hi @jeanpepay how are you and it's been awhile? You messaged me on my wall before and I thought of checking you out to see how are you doing and all. You liked one of my story so why not we exchange stories and give ouselves some opinion and suggestions yeah? I'll be waiting for your return :))
@MissYanko thank you it means a lot to me and please do the same with me.. if I can help or you just want someone to listen I'm willing
@jeanpepay awww good to see you're okay and all. It's okay if you try to make a story and always remember that we're here to support you not just me but everyone else. If you're having a problem, feel free to message me and i'm willing to help because I want to spread the positivity ☆
Hello @MissYanko sorry, I reply to your message very late. I'm only a silent reader and I'm no good in writing. I have some ideas but I can't make an output. All I can give is my suggestions.. thank you for your consideration ^_^ Continue writing ^_^