
I can’t wait for IT chapter 2. I’ll finally be able to finish Ezra’s story. Also it’s just gonna be awesome


Hey guys 
          I just published a new fanfic that’s in the Dragon Age fandom. Not my usual style but if you’ve played the Dragon Age II video game then go check it out. Even if you haven’t I’m going to try to make the story able to stand on its own so you don’t have to have played the game
          Have a nice day!


This update sucks


@ThatBabyQuinnDoh it’s pretty terrible 


@jebby78 I don't know, but I'm glad I didn't update the app. That logo looks horrendous. 


@ThatBabyQuinnDoh yeah why the hell did they change that???


Hang in there sweetie! Sometimes life tends to get busy for folks and we get distracted! I finally got to see them now! Soo sorry D: !! >^^< *big hugs* you are beautiful! Smart! Enduring and so much more! A light in this darkened world. Jesus loves you! ❤️Lean on Him hun . In Jesus name may your depression and hardships be washed away ! He made you to be seen , heard, and ultimately let the world know why He is awesome! Your are His and no one can take that away from, just believe! You have someone praying for you!!❤️


Thank you love. I’m seeing a therapist tomorrow and I hope they’re gonna help. Lots of love


I’m having a really rough night. I was falling apart earlier and my best friend who I lean for support asked if I was okay enough for him to go to sleep and I said okay because I’ve kept him until 1 in the morning before and I felt bad. But now I just feel alone and broken and I can’t sleep. I’m such a waste of a life form. 


@Aieshawilliams2001 thank you. I’m feeling better after I got some sleep 


@jebby78 hey no one is a waste of a life form everyone is here for a purpose and   hey if you ever need to speak to someone im here for as long as you need me you are an amazing author and a even better person pm me 


this message may be offensive
I’m pretty sure by the fact that no one responds to my announcements that no one gives a shit but I finally have a therapy appointment on Wednesday so I’m going to get help with the problems that have been crushing me. Wish me luck if any of you bother to spare a thought. 


@ThatBabyQuinnDoh thank you and I understand it can just be a little frustrating when you’re trying to reach out and no one seems to care


@Milheaven thank you and I’m sorry no one’s responding and will definitely look out for your announcements 


@jebby78 Sorry, I do care, I would've replied had I actually seen the notification. Due to the holidays and considering how many people I'm following I literally had over 88+ notifications and I just couldn't go through them all seeing as more and more notifications kept popping up saying the exact same thing. I will wish you luck with your Appointment though. 
            Just think that many people probably went through the same thing with the notifs and/or wanted to spend time with their families.