
(…)   missing him.


whatever you're lookin'    for,    it ain't here,    jedi.    i'd suggest ya look some place else.


yeah,    i figured who y'were when i saw the saber.    *    cobb casts a glance back at the younger man    &    shrugs his shoulders,    rummaging through the cabinets in the bathroom before coming across an old first aid kit.    on his way back to the jedi,    he kicks the front door shut on an overly-excited    &    curious jo,    who yells a string of expletives at being denied a chance to gawk at luke.    he takes a seat,    then speaks again,    pulling a roll of bandages from the box.    *    cobb vanth.    pleasure t'...    meet a real jedi.


@mospelgo,     [  a loud groan came from him,   burying his head into the stranger’s neck.  hand clutching his side,   a nasty shot from a blaster that he almost escaped if he would’ve been a second faster.   entering a hut,   laying his head down on the nearby bed,    a series of groans followed him.   the cool air of the desert raises goosebumps along his bare skin,  his body twitching and shivering as he removed his shirt.   the past laced into his freckled,  tanned skin like tally marks he hadn’t meant to make.  riddled with scar after scar,  growing up on tatooine wasn’t easy as everyone knew the desert took what it was owed.  in exchange for every hard lesson he learnt,  he took a small souvenir as a token.   white streaks ran up his shoulder across the front of his chest and upper back,   somewhat faded from the time that passed since the emperor.   the lightening that was endless,  the intention of wiping luke off the face of the galaxy.  wounds,  scars  —  a reminder of life,   a reminder he wasn’t this hero but still  /human/.    ]    coulda been worse,   thank you,   thank you   —   i’m luke,   luke skywalker.   


help?    *    he sees it then—    the blood.    there's blood everywhere.    it stains the dunes,    &    the stranger's hand,    &    every piece of fabric that dares to get too close.    brows furrow together    &    cobb lowers his blaster.    *    kriff.    a'ight,    yeah.    but you ain't pullin'    that saber in my town.    *    it's not a suggestion.    carefully,    cobb reaches out to help luke to his feet    &    leads him toward the town,    the crowd surrounding them starting to dissipate the moment he does so.    *    lie down,    stranger.    i'll get you help.