
“Your powers are quite…interesting…I’ve never seen anyone with those kinds of abilities before…you’re not a witch or a sorceress are you…but something different…who are you?”


            The witch blinked for a moment as she looked at Tommi in confusion. “Never heard of either. Not here in Oz and anywhere beyond that.”


@-forgood "I'm one that you call a jedi but also something else. I'm a ranger." 


“tommi! where are you?!” the jedi master’s voice rang out over the comm. she bit the side of her lip as another explosion nearly knocked her off her feet. they had been outnumbered or rather caught off guard. they had been on a mission to destroy a droid factory that the separatist had built to distribute droids throughout the system to fight in the war…and she did not anticipate that they would already be ready for them several miles away. she hadn’t seen the young padawan in ages and it worried her that something bad had happened…


@-n3gotiations " I'm behind you master" within seconds tommi emerged from her spot taking out the druids with her


“tommi, have you seen anakin? i haven’t seen him since the last council meeting…i’m getting worried…”


@jedipadwan “Yes…” she sighed as she ran a hand along her chin. “He’s been more distant lately.” 


“so if you’re from somewhere…like a different universe…are you wanting to leave?” the master asked the apprentice carefully. “you are always welcome to stay here until we find you a way back of course.” 


            “you’re welcome, young padawan,” she nodded.” 


@-n3gotiations "Right we don't thank you master." 


            the jedi master looked to her apprentice before she smiled, nodding to her. “of course you can…i’m not going to discontinue your training at the prospect of you going back home…besides we don’t even have a way of getting you back yet.” 


“tommi, i’m surprised to see you up so early…what are you doing in the training room?” obeliah walked into an almost empty jedi training room. she had noticed that the padawan had not been in her room and wanted to check around to make sure that she was alright. she came in and sat beside her on one of the benches as it was the middle of the night. 


            “what, anakin?” she blinked when tommi mentions the chosen one. she had known her apprentice to possibly be the chosen one, but she was also still not sure if the prophecy was true. 


@-n3gotiations "the younglings they get murdered there is destruction and the choosen one goes to the dark side. He let's his feelings get in the way." 


          "What if I wanted to leave the order?" Cole asked sitting on his bunk." I picked up enough, to do other things. To do good, to stay out of certain matters. "


@jedipadwan "Someone walking the line, just living his life."


@jedipadwan "I can't keep it. I can't stay here." He closed his eyes. " there's something else I can be. "