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@grumpin oh no prob bob!! Ur art book was p cool!!!! I can't draw furries or animals in general lmao and the fact that u can is rlly cool my bro also ur line art is my A E S T H E T I C and ya thank u 4 notice me
h-hey we haven't talked in a while i t h i n k
aren't you the one who says the most beautiful things that make me feel better about myself? because i don't mean to sound selfish but if you could be so kind as to tell me something like that right now because that would be greatly appreciated.
@alcesOmnified OH I SEE I LOOKED AT UR BOOKS I REMEMBER wowzie wowzers u sure have changed ur thin, but yes okay, you are wonderful and I think you're awesome and I aspire to be as into memes as u r because for rn memes are kinda these weird things for me that I'm like "wat"
@alcesOmnified idk who you are, but I can give good compliments. I think you seem pretty great. U have a tavros profile picture so at least I know that u identify with soft people who are just trying to make shit work. Remember that it doesn't matter what other people think because in the end everyone will die alone and it would kinda suck to have everyone die and nobody can say "I love you". Love urself