
Sorry that I haven't posted this week. I had to work 6 days with only one day off. I was planning on getting a chapter together before I had work today. But after something not very cool happened at work last night, I'm not in the right mind set to be writing anything romantic. I'll hopefully be posting in the next couple days. 


Sorry that I haven't posted this week. I had to work 6 days with only one day off. I was planning on getting a chapter together before I had work today. But after something not very cool happened at work last night, I'm not in the right mind set to be writing anything romantic. I'll hopefully be posting in the next couple days. 


I've been working on some chapters for Spellbound. Since I have to work 40 hours a week, Im going to do my best to make my upload schedule here for Wendesdays and Thursdays. I'll also try to post at least 2 chapters every time I do an update. Thanks for reading!!